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Staff Kickball Game

Penfield High School

Faculty teams from our four elementary schools will be squaring off in a friendly "Kick Off the Year" Kickball Tournament at 6 pm Saturday, Sept. 29th at the PHS Stadium. Students and families are encourage to come out and cheer …

October PTO Meeting

Join us for our monthly meeting.  All are welcome!

Red Ribbon Week

Indian Landing

    Indian Landing will celebrate Red Ribbon Week October 22nd through 26th with various events and activities. This year's theme is Life is Your Journey... Travel Drug Free.  IL will celebrate with spirit days throughout the week.     Monday, …

Make A Difference Week

Indian Landing

Please help the Penfield Ecumenical Food Shelf!  Shelves are really low this time of year. Below is our current Wish list but ANY and ALL donations are welcome and greatly appreciated!  Please consider donating the week of October 22nd-26th. Bins …

Make a Difference Day and Pancake Breakfast

IL Cafeteria

Indian Landing Teachers and Staff will be serving breakfast in the IL Cafeteria!  Details to follow! Penfield Central School District will be participating in our annual “Make A Difference Day” WHEN:  8:15 am on Saturday, October 27th (approx. 1 hour …

Halloween Parade!

Indian Landing

Indian Landing Bus Loop At NOTE from Mrs. Ware: All parents are invited to join us on the bus loop Tuesday, October 31st at 2:15 p.m. to enjoy the Annual Indian Landing Halloween Parade. The parade is weather permitting. In …

November PTO Meeting

IL Library

Join us for our monthly meeting.  All are welcome!  

Veterans’ Day Assembly

Indian Landing

Thursday, November 8th— Veterans’ Day Assembly; 9:15 a.m.

December PTO Meeting

Join us for our monthly meeting.  All are welcome!

January PTO Meeting

Join us in the Indian Landing Library for our monthly meeting.  All are welcome!

February PTO Meeting

Please join us for our monthly meeting.  All our welcome!  

March PTO Meeting

Join us in the Indian Landing Library for our monthly meeting.  All are welcome!

April PTO Meeting

Join us in the Indian Landing Library for our monthly meeting.  All are welcome!

May PTO Meeting

Join us in the Indian Landing Library for our monthly meeting.  All are welcome!

September 2022 PTO Meeting

IL Library

Join us in the Indian Landing Library for our monthly meeting.  All are welcome!

October 2022 PTO Meeting

IL Library

Join us in the Indian Landing Library for our monthly meeting.  All are welcome!

IL Spirit Wear Order Deadline

Show your spirit and celebrate 50 years of the IL PTO! October 7th deadline now extended to October 14th, 2022! Orders can be placed here.

Hispanic Heritage Month Family Celebration and Movie Night

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage MonthJoin us for Encanto Movie Night!Location: IL Cafeteria Pre-order Empanadas, Churros, from local Juan & Maria's Empanada StopPlace orders here: Extra Empanadas & Churros will be available in limited quantities, we recommend placing an order. Dinner will …

November 2022 PTO Meeting

IL Library

Join us in the Indian Landing Library for our monthly meeting.  All are welcome!

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