PTO Meeting Minutes
Indian Landing Elementary School
September 8, 2022
Monica gave overview of the IL PTO. The PTO is 50 years old!
Principals’ Report:
Marcie reported that we are off to a great start of the year. There are many events in September;
schedules are coming out soon.
Staff are adjusting to the new district-wide schedule that includes a daily Social-Emotional Learning
block with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion principles embedded in them.
Partners Proud Moments have already started. School-wide assembly is coming back this year.
Discussion on how to best welcome new parents in IL- ideas included a buddy system and/or welcome
President’s Updates:
We are currently looking for a treasurer.
Spirit wear is back and will be up on the PTO website next week.
The Finger Lakes Coffee Roasters fundraiser is coming back in October.
Rochester Chess Club coming to Indian Landing- students can learn how to play chess over 5 mornings in
the semester.
Board of Education Report:
Capital Project update- drawings to be submitted soon, buildings and grounds phase 1 drawings, take a
couple years to complete
Recent IL Capital Improvements- Basketball courts were improved, dead tree removed and other
IL will get air conditioning over the next 2 years.
Membership Drive:
The PTO has a goal of 100 families in membership- we’ll have a table at curriculum night ($15 for
families, $5 teachers)
PTO Website:
The PTO website is getting a new look! There will be more cross-linked information from both the school
and the community.
We are excited to bring back major school events like Lego night and Carnival. When organizing each
event, we want to integrate DEI principles into the planning.