
Indian Landing Elementary School is one of four elementary school in the Penfield School District.

The Indian Landing (IL) Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a partnership of parents, gaurdians, teachers and administrators committed to supporting and enhancing the educational and social growth of all students at Indian Landing Elementary School.

Through membership dues and fundraisers each school year, we directly fund school programs at Indian Landing such as field trips, clubs, and the arts. We plan and support a number of special events for students and families such as the Back to School Bash, Ice Cream Social, and the Carnival.

Our team comprised of a volunteer board of directors, elected officers, and members. The Indian Landing Parent Teacher Organization Inc. (PTO) is a 501(c)(3) charity incorporated in the State of New York.

Membership sign-up information will be sent home with students the first week of school. You can also join at our table on Curriculum Nights. Becoming a member does not obligate you to volunteer your time. No time commitment is required. Your membership dues support the programs and events that IL PTO offers throughout the year for the students. We ask only that you contribute whatever time and funds that’s comfortable for you and your family. Participation is welcome and encouraged – so are suggestions and ideas. NO experience is necessary. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to get more involved, learn about volunteer opportunities, or have questions, concerns or ideas.

You are welcome to join us at our monthly meetings. Typically, Mrs. Ware, a teacher representative, a district Board of Education representative, and various PTO members meet to discuss current and future events at our school and district. We meet from 7:00 – 8:00 pm in the Indian Landing library. Dates can be found on our events calendar.

Our PTO Facebook page is updated regularly – please check back often for information that you might be looking for: facebook.com/IndianLandingPTO

You can also contact us by email at IndianLandingPTO@gmail.com


Indian Landing PTO Officers